DevOps - AWS
Deploying web app on AWS using DevOps Principles
User bill Tracking application build with spring boot, maven, REST APIs and deployed on AWS using CI/CD.
- EC2 instances are built on a custom AMI using Hashicorp packer
- Setting up the network and creation of resources is automated with AWS Cloud formation, aws cli and shell scripts
- Instances are autoscaled with ELB to handle the web traffic
- Created a serverless application to provide billing history functionality using SES and SNS
- The application is deployed with Circle CI and AWS Code Deploy
Architecture Diagram
Infrastructure |
VPC, ELB, EC2, RDS, Lambda, DynamoDB, Route53, Cloud formation, Shell, Packer |
Webapp |
Java, Spring Boot, Spring Security, MySQL, JPA, Maven |
Circle CI, AWS Code Deploy, Shell Script |
Alerting and logging |
statsd, Cloud Watch, SNS, SES, Lambda |
Security |
SSL/TLS, Database Encryption |
- Create the networking setup using cloud formation and aws cli
- Create the required IAM policies and users
- Setup Load Balancers, EC2, Route53, DynamoDB, SNS, SES, RDS
- User bill Tracking System Web application is developed using Java Spring Boot framework that uses the REST architecture
- Secured the application with Spring Security Basic authentication to retrieve user information
- Storing the images of Book covers in S3 Bucket
- Implemented AWS SQS,SNS and polling mechanism to send notification
- Created a webhook from github to CircleCI
- Bootstrapped the docker container in CircleCI to run the unit tests, integration tests and generate the artifact
- The artifact generated is stored S3 bucket and deployed to an autoscaling group using aws code deploy.
Auto scaling groups
- Created auto scaling groups to scale to the application to handle the webtraffic and keep the costs low when traffic is low
- Created cloud watch alarms to scale up and scale down the EC2 instances
Serverless computing
- Created a pub/sub system with SNS and lambda function
- When the user request for a due bills link from the system, a message is pushed into SQS.
- The thread is used which seprately pulls data from sqs and sends to sns topic
- The lambda function checks for the entry of the email in DynamoDB if it has no entry then it inserts a record with a TTL of 60 minutes and sends the notification to the user with SES
- DynamoDB stores TTL data from the user to ensure request served only once per hour
- Implemented CI to build out an AMI and share it between organization on AWS
- Created provisioners and bootstrapped the EC2 instance with required tools like Tomcat, JAVA, Python
Refer this Repositories for more details:
Name |
Email Address |
Dhaval Suthar | |